Ralls County Historical Society
Museum & Library
"Preserving, Honoring, & Celebrating"
Ralls County Seal
Design Contest
Design Contest
Ralls County Historical Society is thrilled to announce the launch of an exciting contest to design a county seal for Ralls County. This is a unique opportunity to share your time and talent to develop a seal that will be used throughout the county for many years. The winning design will be used on various products throughout the Historical Society and the county, including flags, letterhead, and other business and county projects. The county seal will be a symbol of Ralls County’s rich history.
For more information and the application, click here!
We look forward to seeing what you design to help us celebrate our county!
Minutes from March 19, 2025 RCHS Meeting
Ralls County Historical Society Minutes
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
10:00 a.m.
Perry City Hall
Perry, MO
Ron Leake, Delores Woodhurst, Carolyn Trower, Jeanie Gay, Sandie Storm, Barry Zbornik, Bob Sergent, Ben Akers, and Patty Tinsley attended the March meeting of the Ralls County Historical Society on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at Perry City Hall.
Project Updates:
Cemetery Update: Sandie Storm shared that progress continues to be made regarding locating and documenting Ralls County cemeteries. She stated that there has been a good response from funeral homes in identifying points of contact for various cemeteries. Delores talked with Anthony Elam, the creator of the cemetery records CDs, who permitted RCHS to duplicate the CD as needed. Copies will be available on a jump drive for a suggested minimal donation of $15. We received an online research request about Sophronia Ely's burial location. Findagrave.com lists two separate burial locations for Sophronia. The researcher, Charles Ely, is asking for help determining where she is buried so he can help correct the online information. Two different names may be given for the same cemetery, but three Ely cemeteries are listed on RCHS’s spreadsheet. Sandie will begin research on this. Marie Lewandowski has been scanning binders of obituaries and has almost completed the project. Once scanned, the documents are uploaded to RCHS’s website (rallscohistoricalsociety.com).
John Ralls Donation: Documents from the donation continue to be transcribed. Transcribed documents can be found at RCHS’s website: https://www.rallscohistoricalsociety.com/research-spotlight/john-ralls-documents.
Fort Mason Project: The Fort Mason Project is nearing completion. The stone was set recently, and it is fantastic. One side of the stone tells the story of Fort Mason, and the other lists individuals who served at Fort Mason, including Nathan Boone, son of Daniel Boone. To get to the monument, drive toward Saverton Lock and Dam. Instead of turning left into the Lock and Dam, continue straight onto Riverview Drive. The monument is about a mile up the road, on the left.
Center Depot: Sharon Lake plans to host a wine and cheese event at the depot in April. RCHS received a donation in honor of Sharon’s mom, who died in November 2024. Delores plans to open the depot on a Saturday in April. The date will be shared on social media as soon as it is set.
Missouri Mule Museum: Jeanie Gay shared that progress continues to be made at the Missouri Mule Museum. Contractor work is complete, and documents and artifacts are being moved in and organized. After today’s meeting, several people visited the Missouri Mule Museum. The theme for RCHS’s section within the building is “Rural Missouri.” Several items have already been moved to the new location. We are looking for vintage medical artifacts. If you wish to loan or donate anything to this theme, please contact Carolyn Trower.
Perry Bank Restoration: Patty Tinsley contacted Jason Yancey about former items from a Perry Christian Academy float stored in the bank, and he directed RCHS to do with them as they wished. After today’s meeting, Ron, Delores, Carolyn, Patty, and Tim Tinsley visited the bank, and the decision was made to throw these items away. Patty will begin work on the ceiling and the floor soon.
Adult History Preservation: No new interviews have been completed. If anyone would like to do interviews with a senior citizen, or if you would like to be interviewed, please contact Delores Woodhurst or Carolyn Trower.
Ralls County Seal Design Contest: Delores shared the flyer to promote this project and the application that must accompany submissions. Delores will post this information on Facebook soon, and the flyer will be placed in various locations throughout the community, including at the schools.
Oak Hill School Request: Bob Sergent asked about possibly including Oak Hill School in RCHS’s insurance plan, with Oak Hill School donating RCHS to pay their share. Delores will check with current insurance companies for pricing and additional information. Bob also shared that there is an event at Oak Hill on the fourth Saturday of each month beginning at 6:30 p.m. A meal is served for a free-will donation, and there is music. The public is welcome to attend. To reach Oak Hill School from New London, take Route V to the stop sign, turning north (left) onto Route T. Where Route T meets Route N, turn left onto Oak Hill Road, and the school is on your immediate left.
Preserving County Documents and other artifacts: Recently, Brandy Flynn shared a box of World War II military records, and Delores showcased these documents. After World War II, a “brown” book was printed highlighting soldiers from Ralls County. The box of documents contained the actual forms submitted by soldiers, along with their photographs. It was great to see the soldiers' handwritten information sheets and additional notes they may have written. The documents will be shared on Facebook and the website soon. The box of documents was returned to Brandy after the meeting.
Research Request: Margot McMillen, a podcaster from Fulton, Missouri, is seeking someone to participate in a podcast she will make at Brush Creek Church and Cemetery. She has researched Father Augustus Tolton’s mother, who will be the podcast's topic. If you wish to volunteer, please contact Delores Woodhurst.
Absalom Grimes Workshop Date: Through a mail solicitation, Delores has been in contact with Barney Bradshaw about a free presentation of his program, Gratiot Street Prison and the Life and Times of Absalom Grimes. The program is designed to last 50-60 minutes. It starts with a costumed soliloquy thatlastst 35-40 minutes, followed by a short PowerPoint and then a Q&A. RCHS hopes to host this event at the M. W. Boudreaux Center at the lake and then allow for time for participants to come to Perry to see RCHS’s museum and the Missouri Mule Museum. After a date is established with Mr. Bradshaw, information will be shared.
Calendar: Delores will proceed with creating a 2026 calendar for RCHS. The calendar will be sold to pay for the project and generate funds for RCHS. Since this is the first year for the calendar project, RCHS will begin by listing dates set by local cities and organizations. If you have dates for 2026 that you want added to the calendar, please contact Delores Woodhurst.
Recipe Book: After a discussion, the recipe book project will be tabled until 2026.
Kathleen Wilham Donation: Kathleen Wilham donated six large and one small box of Ralls County information to RCHS. She also donated one box of items to Pike County. After we receive a Gift Deed for the documents, we will incorporate these items into our organization. Until that time, all boxes remain untouched in the museum. The boxes have been inventoried.
Executive Committee Meeting to Review Bylaws and Constitution: Delores will call a meeting of the Executive Committee to review the bylaws and constitution to review proposed changes to the documents.
The State Historical Society of Missouri membership renewal: We did not discuss this item. It will be discussed at next month’s meeting.
Election of Officers: A nominating committee is needed to prepare a slate of officers. Patty Tinsley volunteered to work with others to prepare a slate of officers for election at RCHS’s April meeting.
Impact Statement: A draft copy will be reviewed in April. The following items were brainstormed as essential items to add to the updated impact statement: Center Depot renovations, Perry Bank renovations, Fort Mason Project, Missouri Mule Museum, increased presence on Facebook (including posting pictures to involve the community in identifying individuals and places and “This Day in Ralls County History”), updating of cemetery records, including contacts for various cemeteries, the continued organization of records and artifacts.
Brochure: The brochure for RCHS needs to be updated. RCHS will get pricing from South Lake Design, Iva’s Printing, and Golden Ruler. We hope to have these printed to be passed out at the May 2, 2025, meeting of area historical societies and New London Park Days.
Newsletter: The March edition is coming soon.
Student Internship Program Update: Student interns Kaylee Beckham and Evie Bickel continue working at the museum on various projects.
Area Historical Society Conference: The initial meeting of area historical societies was a success. Thirty-three individuals representing ten different historical societies attended. Our next meeting is May 2, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at the Ilaso Area Historical and Preservation Society in Ilasco.
Payment of Bills with Receipts: No bills were presented.
Financial Information as of 1/31/2025: Ending balance $26,4424.39
Financial Information as of 2/28/2025: Ending balance $46,400.98
Public Outreach Opportunities
RCHS’s 50th anniversary will be in January 2026
Perry All Town Garage Sales (May 23-24, 2025)
Perry Easter Egg Hunt (April 19, 2025)
New London Easter Egg Hunt (April 19, 2025)
Center Easter Egg Hunt (April 19, 2025)
New London Park Days (June 6-7, 2025): RCHS will have a booth at New London Park Days. Delores contacted Janine Stephenson regarding a booth highlighting RCHS. The booth will have information about RCHS, including membership forms and brochures. Delores will contact Josh McCurdy, MT’s art teacher, about sketching a mule that can be cut out and used as a photo prop at the booth. Delores will follow up with Gina Jameson to see if she can secure drinks donations for youngsters. Tara Comer created a genealogy handout, which Delores shared with the group. The handout will be printed and sold at the booth for a small charge. A schedule will be developed for workers at the booth.
Perry Parking Lot Party (June 2025)
Perry Fourth of July (July 4, 2025)
Center Park Day (August 1-2, 2025)
Perry All Town Garage Sales (August 29-30, 2025)
President’s Update: Ron expressed his appreciation for the attendance at the monthly meetings and the continued support of the Historical Society. Ben Akers shared that a Mark Twain Lake Boat Association member was in town recently, inquiring about flooded communities when the Mark Twain Lake was developed. Carolyn has left a message for the individual and will follow up with her.
Executive Committee (15 members): Blank spots below indicate vacancies in our executive committee that we need to fill. If you are interested in being a representative on the executive committee, please contact Delores Woodhurst at 573-248-7445 or dvwoodhurst@gmail.com.
Officers (5)
President: Ron Leake
Vice-President: Delores Woodhurst
Secretary: Carolyn Trower
Treasurer: Jeanie Gay
Historian: NEEDED
Directors (10)
Center Township: NEEDED
Spencer Township: Gina Jameson
Salt River Township: Cindy Lynn
Jasper Township: Lola McDonald
Saline Township: NEEDED
Clay Township: NEEDED
Saverton Township: Bill Dexheimer
Perry: Sandie Storm
Center: Mary Jackson
New London: Brad Stinson
Next Meeting: RCHS's next meeting will be Wednesday, April 16, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. at Perry City Hall. The public is invited and encouraged to attend. The meeting adjourned at 11:25 a.m.
Lasagna Supper 2023 a Success
Thanks to the support of the entire county, the Ralls County Historical Society’s lasagna supper fundraiser was a success. This was an opportunity for those in attendance to renew or begin their membership to the Historical Society.
After supper, Ron Leake, president of the Historical Society, shared an overview of projects that the Historical Society is currently working on. After thanking the many volunteers and donors that worked to make the event a success, Ron handed the program over to John Wallace to begin the auction.
These amazing ladies were some of the individuals that baked the donated food and served it at the 2023 Lasagna Supper.
Thank you to the following individuals for their contributions to the auction:
Bill and Judy Heim, East Edge Express
Debbie Hodges
Tara Comer, Ralls County Collector
Ralls County Groovy Gardeners Master Gardener Group
Richard and Janet Berry
Linda Hodges
Michelle Keil, Gateway Realty
Luke Mitchell, High Point Land Company
Bailey Beef Company
Shirley Levings, Arlington Antiques
Corey and Alex Fry, The Junction
Delores Woodhurst
Marie Lawrence and Judy Heim
Sharon Wright, The Flower Shoppe
John Lake, Brian Hodges, Junior Meuhring, Ralls County Commissioners
Brandy Flynn, Ralls County Clerk
Gina Jameson, Ralls County Circuit Clerk & Recorder
The feature item of the evening was a painting of the Ralls County Courthouse. The painting will be on display at the museum, and the owners’ names will be shown alongside the painting. Below is the list of this year’s proud co-owners of the painting.
Ernest Nelson Harlow Family
Raleigh Roy Diffenderfer Family
John and Sharon Lake
Brian & Linda Hodges
Scott & Ashley Hodges
Brian & Delores Woodhurst
Beinhoff Funeral Home
Bill & Judy Heim
John & Mary Wallace
Charlie & Mary Sue Mitchell
Shawn & Michele Keil
If you want to be involved with the Historical Society, please send an email (rwleake@aol.com) or get in touch with Ron Leake (573-248-6147), Linda Hodges, Sharon Lake, Carolyn Trower, or Delores Woodhurst. We are hoping that volunteers will continue to spend time organizing the museum and keeping it in good condition. We are always in need of volunteers to be at the museum during the summer hours when it is open. Also, it’s not too late to become a member of the Ralls County Historical Society. Individual, family, and business memberships are available. A membership form is available on our website (rallscohistoricalsociety.com).
Ralls County Historical Society is a 501(c)(3) organization, and all donations and memberships are tax deductible. Ralls County Historical Society is a 100% volunteer-run organization that relies on fundraisers, membership dues, and donations to provide ongoing services to the entire county. All money raised by the Ralls County Historical Society is used to continue to preserve and share local artifacts and our county’s history.
We appreciate your support!
One way to support the Ralls County Historical Society is to become a member. Click here to print out a membership form, or if you prefer, click here to complete the form online. Payments and paperwork can be mailed to the following address:
Ralls County Historical Society
PO Box 463
Perry, MO 63462
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Ron, Sharon, or Delores.
Physical Address:
Ralls County Historical Museum
105 East Main Street
Perry, MO 63462
Ralls County Historical Library
124 East Main Street
Perry, MO 63462
Missouri Mule Museum
114 East Main Street
Perry, MO 63462
Mailing Address:
Ralls County, Missouri Historical Society
PO Box 463
Perry, MO 63462